It's absolutely outrageous and cynical that the cops would pull this stunt in the middle of a toxic massacre.

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You used the term "The right side of history." For years we have listened to the harm reduction experts and the problem has gotten worse by an order of magnitude. Worse yet they outright refuse to do the research to support their claims. This is the way science and modern medicine works, not through hyperbole and desk pounding. There is zero evidence that harm reduction works. Take the safer supply. The bulk of it gets diverted. Addicts sell it because they dont like the pharma drugs. They then have the money to do fentanyl, so what problem did we solve. Worse yet those pills they just sold end up being consumed by people not wanting to put needles in their arms.....yet. They will; be tomorrow's addicts. We have seen this movie, start on pills and work up to harder drugs. Just look at the oxy crisis, there is the proof. Oh and as far as conflicted goes, these harm reduction experts from Vancouver travel the world charging exorbitant speaking and consulting fees all/ the while pushing their junk science. As for Perry Kendall well he even holds a patent on a machine he is peddling to dispense drugs. so much foir that human interaction to try and get people to treatment. He is truly evil and in it for the $$$.

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got a peer-reviewed citation for ANY of that? the studies show that MOST people don't sell their drugs, and are stabilized by SOS programs (Tyndall). I get that you saw a CTV clip of your guy Polliviere saying that people sell their pills, but that isn't fact. And if people don't like the shit pharma they're being prescribed, maybe it's time to look into better prescriptions, instead of blaming people trying to contort themselves into systems bent on breaking them.

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